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Prior to being asked to join Sinai Scholars, I felt that I lacked in my Jewish education.  I still feel that way but now feel that I have taken a step in right direction.  In the weeks since beginning these classes, I have learned a lot about the basic but complex parts of Judaism; my culture, religion, and lifestyle.  ... This course was by far one of the most important things that I have studied and I will never forget it.

Spencer Kassimir USC, Los Angeles, California


If I had to point to one aspect of the class that I think will have the longest lasting impact on the scholars is the fact that it made us think of Judaism as something that is part of our every day lives and not just a Friday and High Holidays affair.

Eduardo Bialostozky USC, Los Angeles, California


I feel like Judaism is more part of who I am after participating in Sinai Scholars because I understand much more of the "why" of Judaism.   What is more, I can see the direct importance to me and how it affects me.  I am no longer the kid who simply accepts Judaism because I am Jewish, but rather I can see the true value and importance of Judaism in living a just and moral life.

Doreen Grosvirt-Dramen USC, Los Angeles, California


To me, the ultimate lesson that I will take from what I have learned can be summed up in one word, and that is: appreciation.  The Ten Commandments also serve the same purpose and all teach you to appreciate not only the objects given to us by G-d and other people, but also ourselves.

Dana Rauch Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts


All in all, I now have a completely new understanding of my religion.  There are so many things that I could have gone my whole life not knowing that I know now, and I'm very thankful that I took this class.  It just made me even more interested in Judaism, and I have so many questions and would love to continue learning more.  ... Sinai Scholars really opened up my mind to so many things I would have never even thought I'd have wanted it opened up to.  And I'm definitely now much more proud of my religion than I ever was before.

Jessica  Haskin Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts


...Each class made me leave with a new perspective on the way I live my life.  I enjoyed being challenged by Rabbi Posner to think about how the 10 Commandments are a part of my life.

Elise Peizner Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

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